Pujya Chidanand Swamiji
President, The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh

"By the grace of beloved Pramukh Swami, I have been very fortunate to have seen Akshardham. I touched the holy feet of Bhagwan Swaminarayan's idol and circumambulated Akshardham. I saw the museum of holy relics and I was purified. For two and a half hours I saw everything and it seemed as if I had been to heaven. The ideals of the Upanishads, Ramayan and Mahabharat displayed in the halls can elevate man to heaven and make him pure. The experience is unforgettable. Akshardham is a testimony to the work perfection and capabilities of saints. And such perfection can only be possible through renunciation and devotion.

November 22, 1992

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