Pujya Acharya Shushilmuniji
President, Int. Mahavir Jain Mission

"A single visit to Akshardham is worth more than all the teachings and all the knowledge that one would get from countless life-molding books. Upto now we beheld the famous Jain temples of Abu for their matchless beauty, but Akshardham is no way inferior. This is the first time that such a project has been attempted in our day and age. Only Pramukh Swami Maharaj is capable of accomplishing such a feat. Akshardham is now the 8th wonder of the world - the other 7 wonders pale into insignificance in front of this Monument . The other wonders are rich in architectural beauty but they do not offer life-inspiring messages as Akshardham does. The art and beauty in Akshardham is unique and so are the lively messages that it has to offer."

November 1, 1992

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