At Akshardham’s giant screen theater, visitors become engrossed in Neelkanth Yatra - a signature giant screen film. Here, on 76 feet wide and 57 feet tall screen and 15.1 channels sound experience, the audience follows a young Neelkanth Varni on an epic trek across the Indian subcontinent. From the icy peaks in the northern Himalayas to the warm beaches of southern India, follow Neelkanth as he traverses 12,000 kilometers across the length and breadth of India. Be reminded of the value of sacrifice and service, the wisdom of the eternal soul, and the power of faith.
Neelkanth Yatra is the first large format film on India, made by an Indian organization. It is a monumental film produced by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha with the talent of renowned experts of the large format film industry and the dedication of volunteers who took on this challenge.
Some interesting facts:
On 29 June 1792, an 11 year old boy in India left the comfort of his home and set out alone on an extraordinary journey to explore the world beyond, to experience nature, to seek knowledge and to help people. Discover India and its rich history and culture through the incredible true-life story of Neelkanth, who walked for 7 years, over 12,000 kilometers, barefoot, with few possessions, across the length and breadth of this fabled land. His journey remains a timeless odyssey into the soul of one of the world’s oldest cultures. It is a story of courage and perseverance, including his amazing trek through the freezing winters of the Himalayas. It is a story of fearlessness when face to face with death. It is the story of a child’s mysterious ability not only to survive, but to absorb wisdom and to selflessly share it with those he met along the way. This child’s unforgettable journey has inspired millions of people in India and beyond for more than 200 years. Experience the magnificent beauty of India in a film both breathtaking and inspirational. Neelkanth Yatra brings to life the real culture and spirituality of India’s diverse people and customs, majestic art and architecture, and the unforgettable sights, sounds and power of its awe-inspiring festivals.